Internships in Bali
Bridge the gap between formal education and practical work experience.
Internship Abroad
Internship Overseas
It is a great way to take initiative, make contacts and gain experience. An internship abroad will add credibility to your resume.
Why do an Internship Abroad
- Explore a potential career
- Develop networking
- Break up your routine and get off campus
- Practical hands-on work experience before graduation.
- Learn real world methods and techniques
- Identify and meet individual goals
- Build a stronger resume
Internship Abroad Benefits
- An internship provide contacts and experience within a multinational environment.
- Employers like to see that you communicate across cultures.
- An internships abroad take you further out of your comfort zone.
- You show that you are willing to take challenges.
- Learning things from a new perspective.
- Interning abroad is an amazing way to international friends.
- It will enhance your overall experience and make you feel more at home.
Internship Academic Credits
You can complete an internship with applying for academic credit.
- Meet your major/minor requirements
- Support of faculty and staff
- Department wants to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments
An internship is an opportunity to cultivate skills that help you to take your training and apply it beyond your degree.
Academic Credit Paperwork
Once you sign the trainee agreement for your desire position, you have to do some paperwork.
- Write a syllabus
- Internship Learning Agreement
- Internship Evaluation
Meet your Internship Coordinator at the Career Center to clarify all question and requirements.
Internship Summary
- Before or after study in Bali
- Possibilities cross Indonesia
- It is FREE
“I feel that studying abroad should definitely be a part of every student’s life. It helps you gain a broader perspective, gain confidence in yourself and independence.”