Study Abroad in Bali
Next stop in your Bachelor and Master program.

Go Abroad
Studying abroad is full of amazing experiences, from learning a new culture and language to making new friends from diverse backgrounds. When you study abroad your education grows exponentially faster than if you stay home. For many students study abroad is life-changing experience.
Besides being fun and exciting, study abroad is a unique life changing experience that will help you grow academically, personally and prepare you for your career. Research shows that business leaders seek out and hire for talent whose skills match those obtained in study abroad, including initiative, flexible thinking, adaptability, and resilience.
Study in Bali
You can study in Bali in your undergraduate and post-graduate degree. You can apply twice a year for the Study Program in Bali, which brings your up to 36 ECTS equal to 21 Credit Points (CP) to your home university.
By studying abroad you show initiative and eagerness to achieve personal and academic challenges. Being overseas also highlights your ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds.