Volunteer in Indonesia
Choose your environment and island.
Social Engagement in Indonesia
If you are looking for a unique, life-changing experience, volunteering in Indonesia should be at the top of your list! People volunteer for many different reasons, but most often they simply want to help, to do something important, and to assist others in need. Be the change which you want see in the world.
Bali Volunteer
Some intern in volunteer roles because they want to explore different career options without having to enter an internship contract. A flexible set of skill-building, networking, and community involvement opportunities arises. We are well-suited for volunteers who want make a real contribution.
Group Volunteer
Turn your volunteer experience into a memorable adventure with a group.
- General: Volunteer with friends
- Family: Volunteer with your whole family
- School: Volunteer with your classmates
- Spring Break: Make your spring break meaningful
Typical Volunteer Organisations
- Charities
- Foundations
- Local authorities
- Non-profit organisations
- Private trusts
Volunteer Eligibility
All social engagements have no limit in age and duration and are open to people with different background and education level, who are interest to contribute in a social project in Indonesia. Many students take a year off before jumping into the work force or heading to graduate school. Take your time to experience a new culture.
Key Volunteer Skills
- Communication skills
- Diplomacy
- Discretion
- Good interpersonal skills
- Organised
- Sensitivity
- Time management skills
- Working well with others
Personalized: Rather than one-size-fits-all approach, we match your skills to where they are truly needed.
Balinese people, altough they came from different backgrounds, they keep unite as brothers. “Nyama” mean close brother and “braya” mean far brother. So we can say that “menyamabraya” means brotherhood of all Balinese people without exception.
Bali, often referred to as The Island of God, is always associated with symbols; for instance, statues.
Saraswati the goddess of knowledge, who is praised by the wise, who is the wife of the creator, may she reside on the tip of my tongue.
Hindu texts reveal that the most dominant sect in Bali is Shivaism, a Hindu principle which worships the God who destroys and recreates the universe.

Balinese people always “paras – paros” in every conditions. “Paras – paros” mean every Balinese people are in the same boat and helping each other to solve the problems.
Being a part of symbols, statues are considered to be the physical manifestation of God, to stabilize and harmonize all aspects of life.

The four Vedas, books of universal knowledge, were her offspring. Her mount, the swan, personifies pure knowledge and her herald, the peacock, is a symbol of the arts.
Several statues, displayed as the mascots of several regions in Bali, are seen to be the magnet of tourism, in which their religious value is profound to bring about their existence.
“Matilesang raga” means stay humble in every way. Balinese people exactly know how to place theirselves in every condition, which mean no arrogancy.
The main values of “Nawang lek” means Balinese people must be bashful. They will feel shame if they become trouble maker, they will feel shame if they possess something that someone already posses, they will feel shame if they are not there for helping someone who needs help, and they will feel shame if they absent from the duty that given by Banjar (custom organitation in Bali).